National Competition Choirs

Az Akadémia Kamarakórusa

A 2007-ben alapított kórus a tullamore-i Zeneakadémia énekhallgatóinak képzési területeként…
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Regina Mundi Főiskolai Kamarakórus

Regina Mundi College has a longstanding tradition of choral music. They have enjoyed success at Feis Maitiu and The All…
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We are A-Chord-ingly from Co Wicklow and we formed our quartet in August 2021. Fi (Tenor) Martina (Lead) Siobhan (Baritone)…
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A Park Singers

A Park Singerst Seán Creamer alapította 1970-ben, nevét a Phoenix Park iskoláról kapta, ahol…
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Cór Geal

Cór Geal was established in 2009, by its musical director Betty Fitzgerald. It is a four-part mixed adult choir, whose…
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SCRUBS is a workplace choir formed in 2015 and made up of staff {current, former and retired) from Cork University…
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Gorey kóruscsoport

Gorey Choral group is a mixed choral group which has been singing together for over 40 years. Founded in 1977…
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Douglas Harmonia Singers

A Douglas Harmonia Singers egy dinamikus, díjnyertes női énekkar. Változatos repertoárt énekelnek, beleértve a jazzt, a folkot, a populáris és a szakrális…
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Bárói Kórus

Barony Choir was formed in 2011, initially as a fun community choir. The group is based in Midleton, and their…
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MTU Glór Kórusegylet

Az MTU Glór Kórusegyesület 2019-ben alakult, és megalakulása óta erősödik. Mi vagyunk…
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