Saturday 4th May, 12.40pm
Cór Cois Abhann is a large choral ensemble based in Cork City with an eclectic membership.Founded in 1990, the choir has long experience in both arts and light repertory and has performedall over Europe and throughout Ireland, including broadcasts, recordings and regular concerts.Some of the more notable works given have included Verdi’s Requiem, when the choir opened theCork International Choral Festival in 2018, Borodin’s Polovtsian Dances, Mahler’s ResurrectionSymphony (No.2), Durufles’s Requiem (Opus 9), Vivaldi’s Gloria, and The Faure Requiem, togetherwith a very long list of smaller-scale repertoire. The Choir also performs Handel’s Messiah everysecond year.
The choir travels regularly and in words of one of the members, ‘the party started at the airport—welaughed all week’. Past visits have taken the choir on tour to Budapest (which included a livenational radio broadcast) and Rome, where the choir sang Holy Mass in the Basilica San Clemente.There was a magnificent visit to Italy to perform in the Tuscany International Choral Festival in 2019.Most recently, in 2023, the choir travelled to Vienna for an Advent choral festival.
The choir has collaborated with the Fleischmann Choir, the East Cork Choral Society, the BelfastPhilharmonic Choir, Cantairí Mhuscairí, the Kerry Choral Union and Tallaght Choral Society. Ahighlight for the choir is singing Christmas Eve Midnight Mass in the Honan Chapel each year.
As with all choirs, there is a strong fraternal and pastoral dimension to the life and witness of CorCois Abhann and, accordingly, the members supported each other by regular outdoor meetings aswell as an online musical platform, during the recent pandemic.
New members are always welcome.